Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Financial Seminar

Last night was the first of two financial seminars. We had a full, diverse crowd of Romanians, who took a lot of notes and asked a lot of questions. Karen led the night with Rich translating. The average monthly income of a Romanian is between $300-$500 per month. Stand alone home ownership is not common. Most people live in small apartments that they own. An average apartment costs $60,000. They are all looking forward to the next seminar on Tuesday, when they will come back with worksheets completed and have a chance to ask questions.


  1. this is soooooo exciting to hear about this thanks for the up dates praying for you :)

  2. For Diane Musser: Your Mom called this morning. She can't access the blog or email. Jennifer read your posts and I sugested that we volunteer to call when you post. Your Mom would like that. She wants you to know that she and your Dad send their love and are praying for you and for the team. I don't have a Google account so am sending this on Whitney's account. Roger
