Monday, April 4, 2011

Retreat a huge success!!!

Praise the Lord! What an amazing experience with 50 beautiful Romanian women!  The Lord blessed us with a safe bus ride,  great hotel,  tasty food and lots of laughter and fun between the  US and Romanian women.  But most importantly the retreat allowed all of us to grow in understanding of God's plan for our relationships with Him and each other.  The women are already looking forward to the next retreat.  Photos and more details will be coming tomorrow, Tues.   We were treated to a Romanian barbeque with our host families at the church this evening.  What fun!  Thanks for the prayers!


  1. CONGRATS on a great retreat!!

    When looking at your pictures, I'm not sure which shocked me more--seeing Tony with such long hair or seeing April!

    Special shout-outs to Lief, Larry, Pat, Emily, and Diane. Pat, I hope you're giving lots of hugs; you do that so well. :)

  2. the Sudhoff family in Trevor, WI is lifting your whole team to the Lord this evening. Praise Him for His mighty work through you so far, and all the safety and blessings! We pray that would continue, and that many in Romania will praise Jesus in the future because of the work you are doing there today.

  3. this is soooooo exciting :) im jealous this sounds so amazing

    i want to send a shout out to my Romania mom Pat >------< heres a bear hug form me :) and Mrs. Smith im so happy you are able to experience this :)

  4. Dear Dad and Mom

    Malachi is treating us well he's been wrestling with use and having new friends over to pet us. Eli has been jealous that I get to sleep with Mal and been his pillow but I don't mind. Since Jack gets to sleep with Mal I get to cuddle with him wile watching tv, but i don't understand why he won't let me bark at night when he gets home from work I see and hear noises so I bark at them but Mal comes out side to tell me no, oh well. We miss you but understand you are doing Gods work and we thank you for that. Come home safe and tell all our Romania friends hi for us.

    Jack & Eli

    PS Mal is going bear foot for the next day to raise awareness for children around the world who can't afford shoes the idea is from TOMS shoes if you want to also that be great because i love smelling and licking them :) Eli
