Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rainy day in Craiova

Even though it has been a rainy day here it hasn't put a damper on our preparations.  We have split up and gone our separate ways to get things done.  Pat and Diane were able to visit the orphanage for disabled children.  It was an amazing experience.  They toured the facility, met the Dr. in charge, the staff and of course the children.  The children were all moderately to severely disabled but well taken care of. Diane was able to meet with two of the physical therapists and was pleasantly surprised when they asked her to help them with their therapy times with a few of the children to share therapy ideas and techniques.  They also want her to come back next week. Lief, Emily, Larry and some of the Romania leadership went up to the mountains to check out a potential summer camp for the Blackhawk youth mission trip. Barb and Francine's host took them on a tour of one of Europe's largest natural parks, and then came back to the church to pray and work on retreat materials.  Jacquie and Karen held down the fort at the church and prepared for the retreat.  Tonight as  I write Karen and Francine are presenting the first of two financial seminars.  A good sized, diverse group came.  We are all really enjoying staying in Romania homes and getting a real taste of the culture, language and life here. Will post more photos soon.  Take care, love you all!


  1. thanks for the update! now i know what is like to be the people at home checking the blog all the time! it sounds like you have gotten busy right away. i am so excited about the retreat and from what betty told me over facebook chat the other day, she can't wait to go. make sure when you check out the camps for the summer that you try the food-very important! :P take tons of pictures of everybody.
    thinking and praying for you all,

  2. I want to see a BIG picture of Barb Hoffner, who SAID she would be there and inspired our support ...
